The cake was moist, the crumb topping: sweet and cinnamon-y, the apples: tart, the icing- totally indulgent.
First time making it. I am not even a baker, but I can cook. I have become a baker-in-training because of the family’s demand aka cravings during this stay at home situation (Corona in 2020). Cashew is an unusual choice of nut to go with apples, so is goat butter and maple sugar but working with the ingredients I have at home right now and it turned out great! Only thing is, my pan was big so I could have used some more batter. I recommend a metal pan for this. Does not have to be a bundt pan. It was so good that after I put the icing on, the cake was half gone before I could even take a picture!
You, on the other hand have to be somewhat of a baker in order to follow my directions! Measurements are approximate as I just eyeballed it.
( I swapped the Shakkar with Maple sugar, use brown sugar if you have that available. Peel and dice the apples)

Cake batter: (hand mixed), 350 deg for 50 min, grease the pan.
Cream together 1/2 cup softened butter, 1/2 cup granulated white sugar, then add 2eggs + 1tsp vanilla essence + 1tsp baking powder + 1/2 tsp salt + 1 cup milk. Mix to make creamy cake batter. Fold in 1.5cups of diced peeled apples + 1/2 cup roasted cashews (pecans or walnuts, if available)
Crumb Topping: (goes on the bottom of greased pan, pour cake batter over it)
1/2 cup Cold butter + granulated white sugar + brown sugar +1 teaspoon cinnamon powder. Use fork to break up the butter and mix.
Vanilla Icing or drizzle: (adjust consistency accordingly, let cake cool completely before icing or drizzling on top)
softened butter + granulated white sugar +1 teaspoon vanilla essence + room temperature milk.

The cinnamon and brown sugar topping is packed like a soft yummy pie crust and not falling apart- perfect!

Dr. Mahima Singh.
(situational baker)